The Owl

People with the Owl style are analytical and precise. If they are going to do something, they are going to do it right. They have a plan and stick to it. They communicate objectively, factually, and with lots of detail.

Owls listen for facts and logic and will ask many questions to gain deep understanding. When they push their style into the red zone, Owl accuracy can turn into perfectionism, which can come off as critical and lead to slow decision making.

At their best, Owls are efficient, organized, and can be counted on for quality work.

About the Owl

People with the Owl style are analytical and precise

Data- driven Pursues quality Contemplative Discreet Conscientious Deliberate Establishes structure Observant Detail-oriented Logical Analytical Accurate Precise Diplomatic Questioning Organized Efficient Objective


Owls value accuracy, logic, structure, and respect for a job well-done.


Owls speak factually and have a matter-of-fact tone. They tend to share lots of information and explain their logic.

Body Language

Owls move with purpose and formality. You may not be able to read how an Owl feels from their facial expressions.

Optimal Environment

Owls thrive in structured environments with predefined standards and expectations. They like to work independently and don’t like to be bothered by chatty coworkers. Quality is important to the Owl.


Owls have a controlling leadership style in which they incorporate systems and tracking to ensure consistency and quality.


Owls tend to dislike interpersonal conflict. However, when they have the data and know they are right, they will address the issues at hand.


Owls dislike highly improvisational environments where rules and processes are not valued. Owls like to be in full command of everything they do. Settings in which Owls lack the ability to control data collection and analysis will lead to great stress for them.

Stress Response

Under stress, Owls can get caught up in analysis paralysis. They need a lot of information to make decisions and can take a long time to act. Owls tend to internalize stress, which can prevent others from recognizing how they feel. When pushed into the red zone, Owls can be perceived as critical, pessimistic, detached, and worrisome.

Needs Others

Owls need others who will respect and respond to their need for data and processes. They also need others who can see the big picture, as Owls sometimes get overly caught up in minutiae.

Development Opportunities

Owls need to accept that perfection is not always possible or optimal, and that the big picture can be as important as the details. They also need to recognize that building relationships is critical to maintaining high standards.

The Owl Style

People with the Owl style are analytical and precise.


People with the Eagle style are confident, direct, take-charge, and results-oriented.


People with the Parrot style are talkative, outgoing, fun, optomistic, and social.


People with the Dove style are harmonious, caring, sincere, soft-spoken, and helpful.